Just a few highlights to get an overview.
State-of-the-art, userfriendly interface
Easy customization and cost-free adoption of your Corporate Identity
With 16 years of experience we have steadily added new features and updates to our software based on the suggestions and experiences of our clients.
Our programmers are ready for every customization option you wish.
Your domain. Your logo. Your colors and assets. Make QualityClick your own whitelabel affiliate marketing platform
With our API's and Single-Sign-On you can offer unlimited services to your affiliates. Product feeds can be delivered dynamically to selected affiliates.
SaaS means no infrastructure needed and no long-term investments. Your usage and performance determines the best ROI.
Using Referer or Anchor Tracking all incoming traffic can be SEO-relevant
Conversion Tracking and Callbacks allows affiliates to measure their performance
Different commission for different categories of basket items
Build international affiliate programs using QualityClick
Enable affiliates to use the application in their native language
Easy Ad-X or Adjust Integration, also other trackings by using Server2Server Callbacks